Sunday is the right day to start work


SUNDAY is Yom Rishon in God’s language the Hebrew language, is the right day to start work because God began creating the heavens and the earth on Sunday.
While Sunday is the “first day” of the week, according to the Bible in Genesis 1; 1-5, and according to God’s calendar given to his chosen race of people, the Jewish race.
Sunday or Yom Rishon is the first day of the week and is therefore the right day for all human beings to start sweating for their bread and butter.
The so called holy day law in section 130 (b) of OLNLLGE that lawyer Daniel Tulapi and Dr Henry Okole are complaining about, is originally a man-made law influenced by the spirit of Satan, not God’s holy Law.
These two gentle man and millions more in the world; have a real problem with God, and they should choose to repent and obey the creator’s holy laws.
PNG and the world must be advised that when humanity chooses to obey “God’s holy laws”, it becomes a choice to live, experience and enjoy God’s blessings for now and for eternity.

Pastor Matthew Leski Passingan-Sangkum