Super fund using technology for efficiency


NASFUND says its investment in digital solutions to bring about efficiency, timeliness and accuracy in the remittance of member contributions is paying dividends.
It said its employer online portal now enabled employers to remit member contributions in a timely manner.
The fund’s member maintenance and contributions team began its employer training on Jan 20, with 76 people from 36 companies attending the first week. The training will continue throughout the year.
Payroll officers will have a session to understand the importance of uploading member schedules, to a practical session on uploading contributions.
The session will encourage employers to understand the convenience of using the employer online portal which reflects updating of member contributions when correct schedules are uploaded in the system. Chief executive Ian Tarutia said once the correct contribution format was uploaded through the online portal, members could see their updated balances immediately
“We are pushing innovation and technology to drive a majority of our service deliverables these days,” he said.
Tarutia said today 2446 employer representatives were using the employer online portal while 43,123 members registered with the fund’s member online portal.