Support for police urged to boost investment

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THE oil palm industry is unable to grow and sustain its operations into the future if the law and order situation in the country does not improve, says a representative.
Palm Oil Producers Association (Popa) of PNG chairman Robert Nilkare said the Government must support the police to address the rising crime rates in the country, which was affecting business operations.
Nilkare, who is also the New Britain Palm Oil Limited’s country manager, said: “Oil palm is the largest and most successful agriculture crop in PNG in terms of direct employment, small to medium enterprise support and foreign exchange earnings. Currently businesses throughout PNG are spending hundreds of millions of Kina engaging private security firms. This is a trend that will not slow down unless the Government starts looking after the Royal PNG Constabulary (RPNGC) and remove political interferences in police operational matters,” he said.
“The advice from our industry is simple and has always been the same over the last 20 years. That is, to protect, grow and encourage new investments in the agriculture sector, the focus must be on infrastructure, security of land tenure and law and order.
“Popa is grateful that the Government has declared 2023 as the Year for Law and Order. Our people and the investors of PNG need to feel safe again.
“PNG, over the last 20 years, has seen a considerable decline in the effectiveness of the RPNGC, which is one of the factors resulting in increased levels of crime. A major part of the issues is the basic welfare of our police personnel and the ability of the Government to meet their expectations on basic living conditions and logistics.
“The current number of active police officers expected to maintain law and order in PNG is fewer than 5,000, serving a population well in excess of 10 million,” Nilkare said.
“Popa urges the Government to seriously focus on the welfare of our police personnel.
“To ensure that their current living standards are improved, and to also invest heavily on operational facilities throughout the country.
“The lack of police presence on the ground in the provinces has caused angst among the oil palm smallholder growers, commercial estates, processors and exporters.
“Popa also supports Police Minister Peter Tsiamalili (Jr) in his efforts to drive forward the RPNGC recruitment and training programmes, as well as the police infrastructure development plans.”