Support PM’s view to rescue PNG


THE inspiration of Prime Minister James Marape’s bold announcement to ‘take back PNG’ is the vision and aspirations our forefathers in Somare, Chan, Kaputin, Guise, Okuk, Abal and members of the famous ‘Bully Beef Club’ had when they contemplated an Independent Papua New Guinea.
Their visions and aspirations may have become murky overtime with undesirable influences of elite Papua New Guineans colluding with foreign interests to milk this country dry. If all leaders in Parliament are genuinely for the 8 million plus people of PNG, they now have the opportunity especially in Christmas, to demonstrate this by putting aside politics and stand together for our people, formulating plans to rescue a nation that is on life support.
Stop raising agenda’s and questions that will stall progress that James Marape is spearheading.
Honesty and genuine leadership is required to rescue Papua New Guinea.
Every conceivable indicator suggests that PNG is on a life support type economy.
Yet from among our elected leaders, they cannot bring themselves together to serve the very people they promised and took an oath to serve with loyalty, humility and dignity.
Politicians and elite Papua New Guineans constitute less than one per cent of the 8 million people of our country.
Yet that tiny fraction of Papua New Guineans have taken this country blessed in abundance with God’s riches to the dogs.
An analogy to this tiny one per cent, that famous quote – Stop searching for what you can amass for oneself but search to amass for the mass.
I will part with one simple question – how many ordinary Papua New Guineans have been taken to court or under investigations for corruption?
The disease that has put PNG on the life support system, a country blessed with God’s richness, resources, flora, fauna.
Be thankful that Papua New Guineans are forgiving people unlike people in other nations.
I urge all politicians on both sides of Parliament to put together your rescue plans to rescue ‘Your Country, Your People’ by supporting our prime minister to hold his hands up so the healing powers of heaven can flow through to this nation.
He seems to have his heart at the right place so far, this is bold directional leadership.

Joe Piltil,

One thought on “Support PM’s view to rescue PNG

  • Thank you brother Joe, I agree with you, all members of Parliament must be united, to support PMJM philosophy
    to take back PNG in hands of this dogs for the good of the silence majority…….

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