Sustainable governance of natural resources critical: Envoy


THE environmental, conservation and sustainable natural resources governance is critical to a prosperous PNG, US ambassador to PNG Erin McKee says.
“That is why the US government through the USAID (United States agency for international development) has been working for years with the national and local governments, the private sector, civil society and communities to strengthen natural resources management in PNG,” she said.
McKee said the US government believed that environmental, conservation and sustainable natural resources governance were critical to a developing country as PNG as a way forward to prosperity.
McKee was speaking at the launching of “Lukautim Graun Project” at Port Moresby Nature Park yesterday.
She said the “Lukautim Graun Project” would go for five years and help reduce treats to PNG’s rich biodiversity and conserve for the future generation to benefit.
It is a five-year project and funded by US under USAID ID.
Under the programme, USAID would work with the Government, private sector and local communities to strengthen knowledge and build capacity for greater conservation, governance and livelihood development of people in the country.
“And at the national level, we will help promote transparent policies, including environmental safeguards for effective stewardship of these rich natural resources and preserve biodiversity at the site level,” McKee said.
McKee understood that PNG’s natural resources and biodiversity played a critical role in the PNG economy as a source of water and energy to sustain livelihood in the communities.
However, she said as the country moved forward and as developments took place, its natural resources and biodiversity were under threat and needed conservative approach to sustain them.