Tabar hands over post

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FORMER Minister for Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology Malakai Tabar has urged his successor Francis Marus to continue important projects in the months before next year’s general election.
He handed over the portfolio to Marus in Port Moresby yesterday.
The projects include the Finalisation of the PNG Open University Bill, commencement of the Western Pacific University construction phase and the completion of the revised PNG National Qualifications framework before the end of this year.
Tabar said some of the things he had achieved in the past two and half years included the:

  • Passing of the Higher Education Act which will ensure greater accountability;
  • Completion of the National Higher and Technical Education Plan;
  • Launching of the 2015-2017 plan;
  • Accreditation of the new higher education institutions to increase access to tertiary education.

Tabar has been given the Transport and Infrastructure portfolio held by Nixon Duban in a cabinet reshuffle announced by Prime Minister Peter O’Neill last week. Duban has returned to the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy.