Tactical Solutions wins airport deal

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NATIONAL Airports Corporation (NAC) chief operating officer Manuai Kamentan says one of their challenges is to ensure all domestic and international passengers are treated equally and their safety and security guaranteed.
“We have cases where prosecuted items passed through the screening machines, people entering airport precinct with guns without going through proper clearance processes and others,” Kamentan said.
“Given the security challenges which have been quite significant, the public has come to know NAC from a perspective of lapses in aviation security over the last couple of years,” he said.
“In an effort to address the issue, Tactical Solutions International Limited (TSI) is engaged to provide security services for NAC’s landside operations starting next month, following a two-year term of contract signing with NAC in Port Moresby yesterday.”
NAC acting managing director Dominic Kaumu said TSI would monitor access control at check points, monitor vehicle movements at the car parks and provide surveillance at all locations.
He said the contract does not include passenger and baggage screening inside the terminal.
“As the state-owned airport operator, NAC is responsible for maintaining safety and security compliance at designated airports, in line with National Civil Aviation Rules of Papua New Guinea and the International Civil Aviation organisation standards and recommended practices.”
Kaumu added that the landside security service would complement the airside security service provided by NAC to further strengthen security at the airport.
“Contract of Asila Security Services ended last year and Masol Security was engaged on a month-by-month basis awaiting tendering to get a permanent contractor,” Kamentan said.
“TSI Limited was selected as the successful bidder last year through a stringent bidding process, which fulfilled the bidding requirements and was determined as the lowest evaluated responsive bidder.
“The agreement signifies NAC’s commitment in maintaining compliance in relation to aviation security services.”