Taking life for granted


MANY of us take life for granted without realising what it is. One will say that he or she knows everything about life and can live a life. But do things we see, own and desire in our small world mesmerize us to believe that it is life?
No. Many imperceptible principles exist in the realm of an individual.
It is what we think of ourselves that narrows our mind.
Why not think big? There is no price tag attached to thinking small and thinking big, so why not think big?
Contribute to this world and live a legacy for others to see.
Do not carry your dreams to the grave because the grave is already rich with dreams.
Many a times we fail to realise that every second the clock is ticking off pieces of the life we are living.
Each day we are getting older.
You cannot live your life for other people.
You have to do what’s right for you even if it means hurting the people you love.
In the long run we shape our lives, and ourselves.
Life can be (and is) hard; there is no getting around it.
But it’s not what life brings to us that dictates our success or failure – it is how we respond to it.
Every choice we make is ultimately our responsibility.
We must stop the way we gamble with life.
Avoid being enslaved to dogma and have reasons for everything in life and start to approach it seriously.
Everyone is unique with unique qualities.
Use those qualities to think outside the box.
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

Ezron Ulach , Pom