How to tame our violent world


THE domestic and sexual violence concern continues with a wide variety of opinions being aired throughout the nation.
Others include alcohol abuse, law and order and the list goes on.
The most outspoken have called for tougher penalties to be imposed, raising awareness so victims know their rights and what help is available; others are just armchair critics waiting to pick out on the failures.
There is a huge challenge now to change and make a difference and that will only be through educating the young Papua New Guineans.
Today’s society has broken many rigid barriers.
Our ability to communicate with each other within PNG is historically a recent development.
Previous generations often remained geographically restricted and had only vague ties with other tribes in adjourning land.
We need to stop and think about the process of transformation that our societies have undertaken in the past century.
Many of our sons and daughters now move freely throughout our nation and beyond.
Movement involves exposure to new customs and beliefs and rigidly held taboos are very often the first to fall.
Our societies today include a rapidly increasing generation of young adults and youths whose parents from different provinces.
Fifty years ago, such offsprings were rare; they tended to be the children of policemen or teachers who moved regularly throughout PNG and who often married outside their own village systems.
Our contemporary society is a mixture of many inputs. Some are home-grown beliefs that we hold dear to our hearts, traditions and customs that many of us refuse to abandon.
There are many issues within today’s society that is always a thorny subject, even within supposedly developed nations.
What some term as “sexual freedom” involving casual encounters with the opposite sex is happening every day, but should they produce a child, both the mother and the child often become outcasts within their families and communities.
The man involved was rarely seen as being in the wrong.
Every generation of adults has condemned aspects of the generation that follows.
And many have demanded harsher penalties, censorship and bans upon a wide range of activities.
History has shown that bans achieve nothing and are always counter-productive.
Ban liquor and thousands of people will manufacture it at home.
Ban prostitution and you will simply drive the trade underground. Ban nightclubs and the very activities most complained about will go elsewhere.
Restrict internet access. Ban certain books and magazines. Ban free speech and publication, radio and television. Ban some advertisements.
What will happen with all the bans is that we will gradually seal PNG from the outside world.
Instead of solving the issues, it will double overnight.
We believe there is only one answer to society’s legitimate concerns over sexual violence and abuse. And we add violence of any kind that many regard as crime.
We have to start to do everything within out power to education our children to understand spiritual, moral and ethical values.
We must help to develop child-like curiosity into the analysis, so wise choices can be made.
We must guide our children spiritually and help them to understand conscience and responsibility. And we must help them to celebrate their unity as one people within the glittering birthright of their nation’s cultural diversity.
For if they enter adult life armed with such weapons, PNG need to hold no fear.