Tato to blame for causing confusion over admin role

Letters, Normal

The National, Monday February 1st, 2016

 HAD Solomon Tato been patient and allowed time and due process to take superiority regarding his substantive position as the provincial administrator for Eastern Highlands, he would be glad to realise that it was only a few weeks away before he could return to the position.

His ignorance of set processes, guidelines and a number of court orders has resulted in a formidable stumbling block unfavourable to his return.  Even more so are the facts that he has seeing fit to take out national court orders against those very people and authorities who will be deciding on his fate. 

Was it ignorance or below-par rated legal advice that resulted in taking out restraining orders against appointing authorities such as the National Executive Council, its relevant Minister, the Department of Personnel Management and the Provincial Executive Council of Eastern Highlands? 

Taking out court orders against these very authorities is analogous to biting the hand that feeds. 

Who with a sound mind could attempt such an undertaking? 

I would be surprised if these authorities take this characteristic lightly when considering his re-instatement.

What transpired amidst all these impasse caused by lack of foresight by Tato, his legal team and supporters is that government services to Eastern Highlands abruptly ceased since August 2015.  

The qualities of leadership is biblically derived and include patience, love, peace and care for others. These attributes are seemingly lacking in Tato and which are highly demanded by the 700, 000 people of Eastern Highlands. 

The recent National Court ruling simply restates that there was no vacancy in the administrator’s position, a fact fully made known to Tato and his legal team. 

The relentless attempt to take up position in Yanepa Haus time and again only raises the bar of stupidity to another level suggesting perhaps the whole legal team should go back to law school or quit. 

I suggest to the people of Eastern Highlands to sue Tato and his legal team for holding them in suspense while putting all development initiatives on pause-mode with their power-hungry agenda.


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