Teachers with experience


THE current news on teachers losing their jobs because of alleged fake qualifications is not sitting well with me.
Those teachers have been teaching and learning and in the process have gained a lot of experience, built up in classrooms over the years.
There is a big difference between a grade 12 qualification and years of experience.
The teachers we are talking about have taught and sent students to higher learning institutions, so what is the big deal with their qualifications now?
Before deciding to drop the axe, the commissioner’s office should look at both sides of coin to see if there is an option. For example, why not keep those experienced teachers on the job while at the same time help them upgrade their academic qualification?
I understand that this can set a bad precedent, but the college administration should be well versed with this issue and should be able to improve the screening system at the start of the hiring process.

Kundikai kilo