Team meets to coordinate earthquake relief supplies


THE Emergency Disaster Restoration team and the Southern Highlands administration have met in
Mt Hagen to coordinate the assistance to people affected by the earthquake in February.
Emergency Controller Dr Bill Hamblin and Robin Pip, the former Nipa-Kutubu District Development Authority chief executive met with the Southern Highlands acting provincial administrator Joseph Cajetan and his team.
Hamblin said they wanted to help people affected by the earthquake.
He said food rations and relief supplies stored in warehouse would be delivered to Southern Highlands and Hela.
Funds have been deposited into the bank accounts to assist the team distribute the relief supplies.
“We have deposited the funds in to the bank accounts and they will use that to meet the cost of transport.
“We will also choose which area to visit. I hope we will be progressing very well in the delivery exercise,” he said.
Hamblin said they would deliver 40 tanks out of the 400 tanks bought from Thailand to people who did not have access to fresh drinking water.
They have also purchased 10 sawmills and will give five each to Hela and Southern Highlands for the rebuilding of homes.
Exxon Mobil donated a building each to the Southern Highlands and Hela governments for public servants to use as offices.