Thank you for bus service


I EXPRESS my gratitude to National Capital District Commission (NCDC) for the Eda City Bus Service initiative.
This is a step forward for our city.
This initiative has provided affordable and standard PMV service to ordinary citizens since it was established.
I am unsure of the other routes but the route from Gerehu to Ela Beach and back (Route 2) is exceptional.
Commuters not only pay an affordable fare of K1 but travel in comfort as well.
Comfort as in attentiveness of staff to passengers, cleanliness, air-conditioning and safety guaranteed especially for our women, girls and children.
On top of that, smoking and chewing as well as drunkards are prohibited in and from entering the bus.
This is the type of service that we the ordinary people have been crying for so long.
We very much appreciate and acknowledge this initiative and look forward to more of these buses to operate within city routes soon as current PMV services provided by PMV operators is of very poor standard.
Services provided currently by PMV operators are incompetent from quality of service and affordability to road worthiness.
Almost everything that is categorised inconsiderate and unlawful are practiced and is unjust and illogical to illegally overcharge people for lesser service provided.
We thank NCDC for this initiative, and we also call for an expansion of this service to more of the current operational routes to help the ordinary people of Eda City.

Better PNG