Time for a new Parlt House

Letters, Normal

The National, Wednesday 21st December 2011

I REFER to the letter “Should we take Zurenuoc seriously?” (The National, Dec 19) by PNG Tauna.
I agree with Theo Zurenuoc’s comments.
He said the founding father had given the country to the devil when he was laying the foundations of this nation.
In my opinion, the house is truly cursed because of the following:
l    The Parliament House is known as Haus Tambaran. It belongs to the evil spirits;
l    The building was de­signed after the Sepik haus tambaran. This means the Sepik gods had been transferred to the Parliament House; and
l    The carvings placed inside parliament portray images of demons.
Christians have been praying hard and those curses had been broken.
That’s why we are seeing some changes.
I agree with the comments of previous writers calling for a new parliament building with de­signs dedicated to God.

The samaritan
Port Moresby