Toddler abandoned by parents in a drain

National, Normal

Report and picture by ALISON ANIS

A TODDLER is receiving special care from social workers and volunteers at the Family Support Centre at the Port Moresby General Hospital (POMGH) after he was found and rescued by a passerby from the drain near the Four Square Church at Kaugere yesterday morning.
Head of POMGH Family Support Centre Tessie Soi said a pastor from the Four Square church picked up the boy in the drain and brought him to the antennal clinic at POMGH for medical check.
She said the pastor went to the Boroko police station soon after that to see if there were any reports of a missing person hoping to bring the boy back to his mother.
“The pastor went to EMTV soon after that with the boy and were directed to come to us by my contacts from EMTV,” Ms Soi said.
“He arrived here with the boy at 11:45am and told us he discovered the boy lying in the drain at 8:30am.
“The boy must have been placed in the drain while sleeping as there were no signs of stress on his face.
“He looked calmed when he was brought in,” Ms Soi said, adding that they had a similar case last year involving a child who was abandoned at a playground.
She said medical checks would be done to confirm the baby’s HIV status and other health complications.
Ms Soi said they would take care of the boy while waiting for the parents to come and claim the child.
“The child is safe here with us, and we will help look after him for the parents who may be
experiencing some difficulties at this time and may have caused them to abandon their child like this.”