Track down, prosecute people issuing threats


I AM troubled by the recent wave of online threats and intimidation directed towards individuals, particularly our elected representatives, who dare to speak out against Government policies.
The sentiments echoed by Keith Iduhu in his recent media statement resonate with many of us who value the principles of accountability, transparency, and the right to freedom of expression enshrined in our Constitution.
The alarming escalation from mere criticism to outright threats against individuals such as the Hiri Koiari MP, Justin Parker, and others is a grave concern that cannot be ignored.
It is imperative that Prime Minister James Marape takes a firm stand against these acts of intimidation and publicly condemns them without reservation.
Furthermore, immediate action must be taken by our local authorities to track down the perpetrators behind these threats and ensure they face the full force of the law.
This is not only necessary to protect the safety and well-being of our citizens but also to uphold the principles of democracy and civil discourse upon which our nation is founded.
In a society governed by the rule of law, there is no place for such cowardly tactics aimed at stifling dissent and silencing voices of opposition.
We must remind ourselves that the right to express dissenting opinions and hold our government accountable is a fundamental pillar of democracy.
Without it, we risk descending into authoritarianism where the voices of the people are drowned out by fear and intimidation.
I call upon Prime Minister Marape to demonstrate true leadership by publicly denouncing these online threats and committing to take decisive action to ensure the safety and security of all citizens.
Failure to do so would not only be a betrayal of the trust placed in our elected leaders but also a disservice to the values we hold dear as a nation.

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