Training of child protection officers vital

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The real issues concerning children are in National Capital District, Central and Motu Koita and training of child protection officers is necessary, Minister for Community Development and Religion Delilah Gore says.
Gore said training was what her department and ministry were looking forward to have after one programme was conducted and participants received certificates.
“We have children on the street, not going to school and all walks of children not being looked after or abused one way or another,” she said yesterday.
“Members of Parliament ask a lot of questions about this very issue and this morning’s graduation for NCD, Motu Koita and Central is a relief because the real issues are around there.
“While we have issues affecting our children in the rural areas, the issues in the nation’s capital is different and very challenging.
“I am happy to be witnessing you all receiving your certificates which will empower you to go out and protect our children.”
Gore  said the Lukautim Pikinini Act was passed but the laws were yet to be enforced in villages and communities.
“We have a lot of work to do because these laws need to be introduced to the villages and local level government level,” she said.
“The leaders must understand these laws and know the rights of the children so they can help you to protect the children.
“While we are empowering those in the cities and towns, my challenge to you all is how do we translate these to the rural villages.”