Training for youths, women


PEOPLE from Baining in East New Britain have been trained in joinery, carpentry, plumbing and downstream processing.
Gazelle MP Jelta Wong said he wanted his Mandres people to learn to care for themselves instead of depending on others.
He told the participants, mostly youths and women, to utilise their skills when they returned to their communities.
The 12-week training was conducted by East New Britain Life Skills in partnership with the community development division.
Wong committed K5, 000 for the training.
Mandres ward member Samuel Tom said fourteen courses were offered for youths and women in the community.
Tom said he was pleased with people taking part in it.
Once the training was completed, a financial literacy programme would be conducted by local microfinance bank – East New Britain Savings and Loans.
Women participants said the life skills training was an eye opener for them as they learned how to produce sugar, salt, spices, and cook and build chairs from bamboo.