Trauma at Unitech needs time to heal


I REFER to the news article, “Unitech classes may begin next month” (The National, July 22).
The University of Technology management while strategising for the classes to start in August should not forget the major stakeholders, the students and their parents.
Students were traumatised after the recent upheaval and the effect of that experience may take more time to heal.
It is obvious the students’ welfare, protection and rehabilitation have not been properly accommodated by the Unitech management.
Was there any student representation at the Unitech council meeting recently?  Has there been an enquiry to establish if the SRC has been at fault or broke any laws?
The SRC leaders should not be held responsible for the crisis.
As a parent, I am not yet convinced by the security and safety measures being prepared.
Reconciliation should take priority before classes resume because a student’s life has been lost and there are cries for vengeance on campus.
Furthermore, some of us parents took out loans to pay for schools fees.
We have been forced to beg and borrow to repatriate our children and now we have to dig deeper in a short time to get our children back to rebuild their lives and education.
This is a critical financial burden unless the government can assist in returning our children to school.
Please rethink through the whole process and not mechanically fast track the recovery without a time based natural healing process.
It’s not as easy as forgive, forget and move on.

Concerned Parent