Travel requirement relaxed

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PASSENGERS travelling domestically by air after Sunday (Aug 16) will not require the National Pandemic Response Controller’s approval.
The controller, David Manning, issued the measure yesterday that sales office and travel agents could sell tickets without seeking approval if the passenger was to travel on Monday.
However, the passenger has to qualify in one of five categories approved by the controller to be able to travel.
People buying tickets are to be provided an air passenger travel form (APTF).
They should take this form for check-in.
MPs and their support staff can travel domestically without controller’s approval.
Air Niugini said domestic flights were open to all airports in the country except for Lihir, Kieta and Tabubil.
In a statement yesterday, the national flag carrier said: “Passengers will still need a photo ID and must provide a completed APTF during check-in.
“Passengers must ensure you are in one of the five travel approved categories.
“These are students returning to their educational institute, persons returning to their place of residence, persons travelling for essential services, persons travelling for essential exempted business travel or persons travelling for emergency reasons such as but not limited to repatriation of deceased persons.”