Treasury sets tax rates, not IRC

Letters, Normal

The National – Thursday, March 31, 2011

I REFER to the letters “Review income tax, IRC” by “Taxpayer” and “Indirect taxes are making it harder to make ends meet” by Kenneth Supure (The National, March 29). 
I totally agree and sympathise with the concerns raised. 
I just want to make it clear that it is the Department of Treasury which sets the tax rates and has the final say on anything to do with the government’s tax policies. 
Any review of the current tax rates and various tax thresholds can only be done by Treasury. 
The IRC merely regulates and facilitates the collection of tax. 
It has no mandated po­wer to make tax policy decisions for the government.
It is therefore important that each and every citizen demand his or her MP to push for such a review. 
This is the sort of issue of national importance that voters should be focusing on instead of trying to get their MPs to give them handouts all the time.


Port Moresby