Tree falls on church during strong winds

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THE roof of a church was damaged when a tree fell on it during strong winds on Thursday at the Nebilyer Valley in Western Highlands.
Roofs of homes were also blown away while fallen trees damaged food gardens, according to locals.
Four Square church Pastor Jacob Jedron told The National on Friday that the church at Kungmug village was destroyed on Thursday between 2pm and 3pm.
He said there was no rain then. But a strong gust uprooted the big tree which fell on the roof of the church.
He said a lawn mower, a generator, timber and 12 pieces of roofing iron for a pastor’s house left inside the church were damaged.
Jedron said they had never experienced such strong winds without rain in the past.
He said there had been no rain in the past two weeks and small creeks were drying up.
“Around 130 church members are affected,” he said.
“We need a tent until we can find some money to build a new church.”
Jedron said church members had raised K25,000 in 1998 to build the church.
Church council member Michael Moge, church members Philipus Mald and Kela Popona are appealing for assistance from people and business communities to re-build the church.