TSC neglecting responsibilities


THE Teaching Service Commission has been neglecting its responsibilities and duties for many decades.
It has been a puppet for the Government for many years.
It’s time the authorities do something to rectify teachers’ pay problems and any other related problems.
Teachers have been underpaid since 2019.
Many have not received their entitlements and benefits.
The K250 for elementary school teachers and the K350 for community to primary and above school teachers housing allowance stipulated in the 2021 Teaching Service Commission teachers handbook have been prolonged since 2011.
Why can’t the teachers’ employer rectify this issue?
These are serious matters contributing to a teacher’s performance in the classroom.
But people are still blaming the teachers.
This is hypocrisy.
Even the yearly CPI has been ceased for no apparent reasons.
Please address what’s need addressing.
Come on Teaching Service Commission, do something now for the sake of those who have been affected.
I want the Papua New Guinea Teachers Association to take note of this as well.
