Tsiamalili calls for urgent action on climate change


URGENT action must be taken by Bougainville and National governments to address the impact of climate change, says Bougainville Regional MP Peter Tsiamalili Jr.
Citing iAustralian media report, Tsiamalili noted that the impact of climate change threatened not only vulnerable nations such as those in the Pacific, but the world’s leading global economies as well.
“The impact of climate change will be widespread,” he said.
“Reporting shows that a temperature increase of 2.6 degree celsius by 2050, which is predicted based on current projections around individual country targets, will lead to massive economic impacts.
“The Group of Seven (G7) industrialised economies alone stand to lose almost US$5 trillion (K17.5 trillion), or 8.5 per cent of gross domestic product.” Tsiamalili noted that the projections were stark and had the potential to lead to global economic dislocation, impacting food security and living standards of the world’s most vulnerable communities.
“Quite simply, more needs to be done,” he said.
There is a need for a collective effort to address the impact of climate change, and this work cannot be delayed.”
Tsiamalili noted that PNG was already experiencing the devastating impacts of climate change.
“Our nation has the world’s first ‘climate refugees’ with my own people in the distant atolls of Bougainville being displaced and forced to move due to rising sea levels,” he said.
“This is just the beginning, and if action is not taken soon entire nations in the Pacific could disappear.”