Tuberculosis leads nation’s death list

Health Watch

TUBERCULOSIS remains the country’s leading cause of death among infectious diseases, according to the Business for Health.
It said in the statement to mark World TB Day on Sunday that this year, “we expect another 5,000 TB deaths, and at least 40,000 more people who will be sick with TB”.
“This highlights a significant gap between our ambitions and the reality on the ground.”
It said that PNG’s continued ranking as a “high burden” TB country should be “shocking”.
“It is our duty to call for more action from the Government at all levels, and all foreign donors to transform ambitious targets into tangible outcomes.”
It urges businesses invest in workplace TB training and to implement a health-seeking culture and an internal comprehensive TB management programme.
“Learn to include screening, early case finding, better access to treatment, and the delivery year-round educational campaigns about TB prevention.
“Persistent commitment will reduce the disease’s impact on productivity and grow a healthier workforce.
“Leverage influence to advocate for improved healthcare policies and infrastructure.
“Encourage government actions that address the root causes of tuberculosis, including poverty, inadequate housing, and lack of education, to create a sustainable impact.”
Business for Health said since its establishment in 2017, its TB and HIV project had made significant steps in mitigating their impact through workplace education to “preserve lives, maintain employment, and reducing absenteeism due to TB”.