Turi must remain police commander for NCD


ALLOW me to raise this pressing issue in NCD.
On Monday three NCD candidates through their spokesman petitioned the electoral commissioner and the police commissioner to remove Benjamin Turi.
Ben Turi has done a lot of work for the NCD.
He is a champion in fighting against high-level corruption.
He has a clean record of fighting against corruption within the police force.
The incident at the Rita Flynn court is not the doing of Turi.
It was caused by scrutineers of Andy Bawa.
What Turi and his men did in firing shots into the air was necessary in such circumstances to control the rowdy aggressive behaviour by people who don’t respect others.
More importantly Andy Bawa has a conflict of interest in requesting Turi’s removal.
Turi must remain as a police commander for NCD.

Angra Memba