University hosts panel discussion on women’s rights


Think Equal, Build Smart and Innovate for Change was the theme for International Women’s Day last Friday.
The day was celebrated at the University of PNG by European Union, family sexual violence action committee and the university.
Media Niugini (EMTV) broadcast a panel discussion.
Panellists included Dame Josephine Abaijah, Jean Parkop, Geejay Milli and Marcia Kalinoe.
The panel discussion included various topics from having segregated classrooms to segregated transportation, and the many different aspects to promote ‘Think Equal, Build Smart and Innovate for Change’.
Dame Josephine, Papua New Guinea’s first female MP, said women should not be given reserved seats in Parliament.
“If women wants to be in Parliament, they must win the seats in their own right,” she said.
“That’s equality.
“That’s thinking equal.”
The panel discussion was followed by launching of the stop violence against women project which was launched by EU in partnership with UPNG and Media Niugini.