Uphold ethics, soldiers told

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SOLDIERS who commit an offence during the first two years of service will be dismissed from the military, Defence Minister Saki Soloma says.
Speaking at the pass out parade at the Goldie River Training Deport yesterday, Soloma said measures had been put in place to stop rogue officers from tarnishing the image of the Papua New Guinea Defence Force (PNGDF).
“Any soldiers committing an offence within the first two years of service will be automatically discharged from the PNGDF,” he said.
Soloma told more than 280 recruits who underwent the force’s basic military training programme that the core requirement of every service man and woman was discipline and loyalty.
Soloma said corrective measures had been put in place to stop behaviour that would damage the force’s reputation.
He said passing out from basic training was only the beginning of their lives as PNGDF personnel and that with further training experience and achievement they would be proud and valuable members of the force.
“I challenge you to uphold the ethos and values you have learned, to be disciplined, committed and professional members of the PNGDF,” Soloma said.


  • Discipline in the PNGDF is no longer the same as back in the 1960s up to the 80s. You will find some of the violent and undisciplined personal are at the junior officer level. You can tell them about being disciplined at all times but when drinking becomes a pastime for many serving officers, you can expect something not going well at times. It is up to the young recruits to change the trend for the better for the good of the country

  • Recruiting Gr 12 drop out in Police and PNGDF will fail the Department big time. Please try recruit Graduated college student with skills and have pass the PNG education level.

  • Still genuine applicants were missing out on these National recruitment schemes. PNG needs an Independent Recruitment body to make recruitments for Police, Military and Correctional Services

  • I concur with Roger, Independent Recruiment Body for disciplinary forces recruitment is a must so as to prevent widespread bribery, nepostism, favouritsim and whom you know system used in the current recruitment of personnel into the disciplnary forces happening and very little is done to stop this trend from continuing.

  • Salem ol igo lon middle east so they can get disciplined in the fighting zone.

    We should blame the selectors,planti nepotism tumas.The ill discipline that we are witnessing is a result of this cancerous selection disease.
    Recruitment process should be outsourced to HR companies.

    • To keep them busy and active put them on a lot of civic duties, like building health centers , classrooms, roads, bridges, etc… the activities will make them see the purpose of being loyal, humble, discipline person in his/her section or company.
      It doesn’t coming out of Goldie you just sit around at Murray Barracks/ Goldie/Moem or Igam and wait for your fortnight. They should be kept busy and fit, physically and mentally…

  • All we need in the forces are discipline, humble and loyalty. PNGDF members have behaved and have put into practice what they have been told to do. I have seen and witnessed them been loyalt to their profession despite been assulted, some of them have been chopped with damages to thier properties but maintained loyalt and respect. Only a few have misbehaved and should be removed from the force.

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