Use your time wisely in the New Year


IT is just a couple of days away before the year 2023 disappears for eternity and is added to the books of history according to its performances and accomplishments, never to emerged again.
And its successor the year 2024 is evidently looming on the horizon, ready to rise with its challenges and endeavours.
For all of us, 2023 had been a challenging year for us.
Maybe for some it had been a very successful year for them whereas, for others it may have been a disastrous year for them.
One thing most importantly for sure is that, thank God Almighty for those of us who are still being privileged to be alive to live into the year 2024.
However, the doubt still looms, are we going to be still alive next year 2024 to the end, alike its predecessor 2023? This we never know, only Jehovah God knows the future.
But the reality here is that, our individual lives depends on ourselves.
As stated in the Bible book of Galatians 6:7 and I unquote; “Do not be misled: God is not to be mocked. For whatever a person is sowing, this he will also reap”.
It means that, the longitude of our lives depends on our deeds and attitudes.
For instance, reckless people that disregard their lives and involved themselves in prostitution could cause themselves vulnerable to AIDS, and as a result, shorten their lives.
Time applications or usage is very vital because it colludes with our individual lives.
In other words; how you use your time in whatever you do determines your fate.

Daniel Angiwe