Usino-Bundi needs police officers


Usino-Bundi MP Jimmy Uguro has called on police bosses to strengthen police manpower in his district.
He told The National that most police officers in his district had already gone past retirement age and needed to be retired.
“The police commissioner and provincial police commander must start looking into the issue,” Uguro said. “We need new officers and more manpower in the districts to help address law and order issues.
“Some of the officers we have in the district are already old while some have been ‘localised’ and so are not able to carry out their duties as they have become a ‘save pes’ to everyone in the area.”
Uguro said that he was ready to assist police address law and order issues in his district.
“We have already donated one vehicle for the Highway Response Unit,” he said.
“Another was recently funded by the National Gaming Board and was presented to me by the prime minister.
“That police vehicle will be used by Bundi police.
“We also have given a dinghy for water police.”
Uguro said police must make use of the water police dinghies and attend to cases because many people living alongside the river needed them.
“Police officers must also be trained, skilled and fully equipped to work with water police,” he said.