Usino-Bundi puts aside K1mil for students to promote human resources


THE Usino-Bundi District Development Authority has allocated K1 million to help students in tertiary institutions this year.
MP Jimmy Uguro said it was to promote human resources in the district.
“Usino-Bundi is one of the less developed districts and with mining and other developments
taking place, we need educated people to grow our resource and economy,” Uguro said.
“We are grooming students to be leaders in the community to create job opportunities and small businesses.”
He said the DDA is also providing support for Small to Medium Enterprise programmes.
Uguro said K200,000 had been paid for 33 students attending the University of PNG.
“We will continue to roll out. If there are shortfalls in the school fee requirements we will add on,” he said.
Derrick Francis a third year economic studies student said the assistance will relieve the burden of their parents.
“Our parents cannot afford such high fees and we are grateful that our local MP Uguro has stepped in,” he said.
Nita Figa, a fifth-year double major student thanked Uguro and the DDA saying the support would ease the financial pressure on parents.