Vehicle donated to Electoral Commission involved in crash


ONE of the new vehicles donated to the Electoral Commission by the Chinese government this year was involved in a road accident in Port Moresby on Friday night.
Electoral Commissioner Patilias Gamato’s executive officer Rusiat Wakit was admitted at the Port Moresby General Hospital after the accident.
“There was an accident on Friday but I’ll leave that to the police to do their investigation and let us know,” Gamato said.
“Police are the right people to investigate. They will have to interview the drivers of the vehicles and provide that report to us so that we can see who was at fault.
“Only then we can decide on the next course of action.”
National Capital District Metropolitan Superintendent Benjamin Turi said the accident was quite “unfortunate” and involved a new Chinese-donated vehicle.
“The case will be investigated and it’s up to the Electoral Commission to deal with their officers,” he said.