Vele to serve in different role in new year


TREASURY secretary Dairi Vele is set to serve in a different role next year.
According to a reliable source, Vele’s term as secretary ends on Dec 31 and he is expected to be replaced by another senior official from within the department.
The source said Vele would serve as the chairman of a newly-created entity called the State Negotiating Team.
Vele was first appointed acting secretary for Treasury in August 2016 by the National Executive Council.
Vele, from Central, holds an economics degree from the Australian National University.
He was a privatisation adviser at the Independent Public Business Corporation from 2003-2006 before joining the Treasury as an adviser sponsored by AusAID.
In 2008, he was appointed director of Gas Project Feed Coordination Office and was instrumental in negotiating the PNGLNG project agreement, the benchmark fiscal terms for the project.