Vital to find out real landowners

Letters, Normal

I AM a highlander but not from SHP.
I have been following the LNG project through the media and what is talked about on the streets.
The highlands is heading for chaos with guns in many people’s hands.
With high-powered weapons, a new fashion of fighting has been introduced.
Men now sit on ridge lines and kill through long range sniping.
Many villages in the highlands region now hold high-powered weapons and other firearms smuggled in with great ease.
Police are not able to stop the flow as they are not willing to get in the way of gun and marijuana-trafficking.
I am very surprised a company like Exxon thinks it can push a gas pipeline against the will of many landowners.
The pipeline will be protected by villagers, not by a battalion of foreign security men.
The pipeline has to be secured until the end of the world.
This will be done by villagers who watch who goes in and out of their land.
They must be paid if the pipeline on their land is to stay safe.
Foreign security personnel should not be involved and the money set aside for them should go to these villagers instead.
In my middle management training many years ago, this is called lateral thinking.
Exxon should write off the money as a loss to false landowners and start all over again.
There is a lot of work to do with family trees and genealogy to find out who the true landowners are.

John Kaupa
Port Moresby