W.Papuans mark ‘independence’ day

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THE West Papuan community in Port Moresby participated in a flag-raising ceremony at Ela Beach on Saturday to mark the 57th anniversary of the declaration of independence.
Organising committee chairman Korwamba Korwa said that the event was to unite the community.
“We belong to a Melanesian society and we should forego everything that has held us back from fighting for freedom as West Papuans,” he said.
“We wanted every Papua New Guinean to join hands in unity to recognise this day as Melanesians.
“We want to be recognised to be free from colonisers.”
Committee publications officer John Eric said they wanted to bring everyone together.
“The current generation has lost the fight,” he said.
“We want to bring (especially) the young people together and speak to them through such events.
“Make them feel that there’s still a part of a nation living among a nation What we want to bring across to the community is the spirit of unity.
“Our theme for the ceremony is, United we stand together hand in hand.
“That’s what we believe.
“We’ve been fighting that long to see our nation get its freedom one day.
“Unity is the key that will help us achieve what we want.”
Eric said they believed that one day Dec 1 would be their freedom day.
He said the event was organised by the youth of West Papua and witnessed by the West Papuan community in the city, together with National Capital District Governor Powes Parkop.
It started with a prayer and worship followed by item presentations, traditional and contemporary performances and entertainment by local bands Stagajah, Heniembah Vibz and the Morning Star band.
The raising of the Morning Star flag is a symbol of West Papua’s fight for independence from Indonesia.
The Free Papua Movement, a separatist group in Indonesia’s restive Papua province, declared independence from Dutch rule on Dec 1, 1961.
That was rejected by the Dutch and later by Indonesia.
Papua was incorporated into Indonesia in 1969 after a United Nations-sponsored ballot that was seen as a sham by many.
A small, poorly armed separatist group has been battling for independence since then.