Walk the talk, not just talk, talk, talk


PIME Minister James Marape’s slang, “take back Papua New Guinea (PNG)” has picked up momentum and is a big hit with ordinary citizens nationwide.
Suppressing the other one, which is the “Wok mas go yet long kisim bek PNG”.
This slang is much longer one in the pidgin language.
The slangs are meaningless in a sense that how could it ever be possible to take back PNG in a very short span of time when the (next) national general election is just around the corner.
And we are already experiencing all kinds of developments in the political arena as well as events happening nationwide that speaks clearly for itself.
Ordinary citizens are using this term to relate to all kinds of normal things they do.
So what is the truth behind this ideology taking root all over the place?
If Marape wishes to “take back PNG”, then he should consider addressing some of the things in his grand plan of making PNG the richest black nation in the world.
A few are outlined below that have affected PNG for so long:

  • Remove lamb flaps from store shelves;
  • remove all unhealthy rice brands from store shelves;
  • the Prime Minister’s Office should directly control and monitor all Asian businesses and products coming into the country;
  • remove the refugee camp in Manus;
  • set up an independent authority to monitor and keep track of mineral exports and it’s monies coming into the country, e.g LNG etc …
  • reduce income tax for all public servants;
  • ban plastic shopping bags;
  • address and resolve Ramu Nickle mine waste disposals issues;
  • showcase Government’s development plans and policies;
  • take to court all politicians who have done wrongs that have affected PNG in anyway;
  • remove all the bills and laws adopted from the colonial administration still in use, PNG should be free from everything Australian. We should have our own bills, policies and constitution created by Papua New Guineans that is suitable for us as Malanesians and an independent country; and,
  • The land, sea and air defence of this country should be efficient and competent for a 21st century era country.

Not some incapable, poorly equipped army.
These are just some of the issues worth addressing whilst on the trip to “take back PNG”.
The habit of talk the talk and not walk the talk will eventually contribute towards the downfall of this country.
The matter is becoming a laughing stock and it won’t solve the problem.



  • We have the right to express ourselves in the media regarding things that we feel and observe that is not going well. But in my opinion I see the mentioned slang “take back PNG” by the current Prime Minister James Marape and “wok mas go yet” slang by former Prime Minister Peter O’Neill are the directives and or directions that should be taken to develop and take back PNG. It involves everyone from the top down to the bottom to work together to take back PNG and not just one or two. Hence it wouldn’t happen at the point of the call, it takes time and would eventuate one day.

  • Please PMJM must push the relevant authority to look into more Asians, Indians, Bangladesh, etc.. flooding into PNG running Tuck shops, PMV Buses, Selling Flour Balls, Putting up Coffee Scale etc… which our nationals with no formal education will do. Just put them all in a container and ship them back.

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