Ward councillors, LLG presidents receive badges

Enga Governor Sir Peter Ipatas (right), Inter-Government Relations Minister Pila Niningi and Kandep MP Don Polye standing with the ward councilors and the local level government presidents at Wabag town after the presentation of their badges on Friday.

THREE-HUNDRED and fifty-five ward councillors and 17 local level government (LLG) presidents in Enga received badges from Inter-Government Relations Minister Pila Niningi on Friday.
They received their badges for the first time since their election in Wabag town.
Among the councillors who received their badges were Enga Governor Sir Peter Ipatas and Kandep MP Don Polye.
Niningi said the badges meant a lot to the councillors as it showed they were representing the Government and the third level of the Government.
He said councillors would be going for the election after five years because they were elected leaders and had their own constitution.
Niningi said many ward councillors did not receive the badges after winning the election and “we are looking into fixing the problem”.