Warlords seen as security threat

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WARLORDS and armed bandits pose a threat to national security and must be destroyed, says Deputy Opposition Leader Douglas Tomuriesa.
“Warlords and armed bandits are very dangerous and pose a real threat to national security and freedom and must be destroyed,” he said.
“Police and the military are simply outgunned and outnumbered, and cannot effectively deal with the armed bandits.”
He supported the call by Ialibu-Pangia MP Peter O’Neill, for the safe release of the hostages held by armed bandits in the highlands region.
Three of the seven hostages held at the border of the Southern Highlands and Hela have been released by the bandits.
Tomuriesa said that the proliferation of warlords in the highlands provinces armed with machine guns stolen from the Defence Force armoury had been reported many times in the media. But the Marape-led Government has failed to address it seriously.
He added that the Government should consider inviting the Australian and New Zealand Special Forces such as their SAS (special air service) who possess superior weapons and tactics to assist PNG deal with these “dangerous criminals and eliminate these so-called warlords once and for all”.
He also expressed concern over the kidnapping of innocent and harmless people, and joined the many Christians praying for the hostages, that God in His wisdom would bring a speedy and just solution to the situation.