Wealth tips from King Solomon    


IN the previous article in this series on personal finance and saving money, I stressed that money is not the root of all evil, rather it is “the love of money” that is the root of all evil.
Too many people are not interpreting the Bible properly and therefore are giving the wrong message to others.
I also emphasised that we all need money every day to sort our bills and buy groceries and phone vouchers.
The point is money in itself is not evil, but how it is used or improperly managed is the issue here, which may mean a family going hungry or not having money to pay for the children’s school fees, or a business going bankrupt.

Why do we have to learn from King Solomon?
In this week’s article, we will briefly look at some basic principles as taught in the Book of Proverbs.
Most of the chapters in Proverbs are penned by King Solomon.
Solomon is the son of King David, the second king of Israel, but one who was chosen by God not by men.
Solomon is said to be the richest man in his time (and possible one of the richest rulers who ever lived).
I am hoping that the principles shared here will help you make better decisions for yourself, for your family and for your people.
To bring Solomon’s message to you, I studied the Book of Proverbs for about a month, the whole 31 chapters. From that study, I tried to glean the best gems and simplify that for you.
Of course, what is shared here is my interpretation and passed through the lenses of today’s financial world as well to ensure they are practical for anyone living today.
Some of the main principles were strategies I learned as a Sunday School student as well as a reader of the Old Book for decades. Interestingly, I also learned a few new tips in this recent study.

Going through the whole of Proverbs
The tips that I will bring to your attention may relate to concepts of money, wealth or riches, as mentioned in past articles.
However, the interesting thing is the Book of Proverbs teaches you more about the need to gain knowledge and wisdom, which are vital ingredients in helping someone get ahead in life.
This study should in all honesty take three feature articles, however, I am summarising the concepts learned in just one article, this article.
I read the first 15 chapters of Proverbs one sitting and then the next 16 chapters in the next sitting to gather the gems recorded there.
There is something you will notice if you read through Proverbs and that is wisdom is calling for people to go to it so that they can get understanding. That is, it is calling for all of us, but those who care to listen and approach it will acquire knowledge and thereby gain wisdom when they apply what they learn.

Defining some terms, determining Solomon’s worth
I have not provided definitions for you in previous articles, but I think it is time to do so.
Here are some for you, as taken from the Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary.
Money is said to be the coins and printed paper accepted when buying and selling.
Money is also equated to wealth. Wealth however is stated as possession of a large amount of money, property or other items.
So, someone is said to be wealthy if they possess a lot of money or wealth.
Someone who has a lot of riches is also said to be wealthy, and someone who is rich has a lot of money or property.
So, we can say that Solomon was a very wealthy man.
Actually, one source states that King Solomon’s net worth is $2.1 trillion. (Myron Golden shares the same information in his YouTube video “How and why I do business like King Solomon”.) Furthermore, the source states that the figure of $2.1 trillion does not include income derived from business, trade or the annual tribute paid to him by all of the kings and governors of Arabia.
So, in terms of financial advice, it is worth taking note of what Solomon says in Proverbs.

Jews lead in businesses
Before I go on with the study, I should mention that it is a fact that the Jews are some of the best businessmen and women in the world. The main founders of Dell, Facebook and Google, among others, are Jews.
People have asked why the Jews are so successful in managing and creating wealth.
It is possible that they are brought up in home cultures that promote the very things that King Solomon teaches in Proverbs – the emphasis placed on learning and the need to be careful with what you do, what you pursue in life and how to create quality relationships with people.
(You can check for videos on YouTube that discuss this theme.)
Remember that information and knowledge like wisdom is crying out in the streets. However, the sad thing is many people are too busy with petty issues and wars that they do not have time to learn and be better in their businesses, whether their own or for their employer.
I urge you to be wise. Listen to Solomon’s teachings and do better in life.

Wisdom is key: And, fear the Lord
The interesting point about getting ahead in life, as taught by King Solomon, may shock many of us.
The King did not urge people to attend a business school or join a famous company. No, the key message from Solomon is for everyone who has ears to look for knowledge and wisdom.
In Proverbs 1.2, it states that to “know wisdom and instruction …” is key. It means that the person who wants to do well in life must seek wisdom.
Now, what is wisdom?
Wisdom is the practical application of knowledge acquired, either by listening or reading or doing things. (It could include evaluating, analysing and synthesising what was acquired.)
There are people who are knowledgeable but they are not wise. They have textbook knowledge but they do not know how to appropriately apply that in life. And, that includes handling of money or wealth, or selling what they know, buy or produce at a good price.
Now, here is another startling lesson. We may want to seek wisdom, but how do we get it?
Proverbs 1.7 states: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
What does this mean? To submit to the Lord is the first big step to really acquiring meaningful knowledge that will later be appropriately applied in life to add value to your life and your employer’s plans or goals.
The word “fear” does not mean to be afraid of, but to submit or yield to the Lord. It also means listening to people who are sharing the knowledge that comes from him. Don’t be a bad student and say: “I know everything. I don’t need your crap”.
That is what some people do and their lives go around in circles. But for you, I urge you to be wise: Listen and learn and grow.

The wise grow wiser
A good student listens and learns and acquires knowledge. Then he or she applies the knowledge gained, and in the process gains wisdom.
(Good teachers teach in that manner as well. They give knowledge and create an environment where their students apply what they learned to practical situations. That is quality learning.)
Proverbs 1.5 states that: A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels. That means a wise man will become wiser with time. If he is a businessman, his business will go from one level to the next. He will also listen to other wiser men (or experts) and learn from them.
(That applies to women as well. They grow wiser and up the level of their game with time. It should be the natural process.)
In today’s world, you may have learned that the best CEOs in the world read books regularly. In that way, they are consulting with wise counsels, or other experts where valuable lessons can be gained. Learning does not stop for them.

The best working formula: Learn from ants
If you want just one small section to refer to in your wish to improve your life and financial goals, I point you to Proverbs 6.6-11.
Verses 6-8 urges a lazy person (sluggard) to learn from an ant. The ant gathers her food in the harvest and provides her meat in the summer.
Ants work hard to save for the hard times. In the same way, people must learn to be wise and work hard and save for hard times. People should not just fold their hands and go to sleep. If they do that, they will become poor (see verses 10-11).
That is a good summary of what I gathered from King Solomon’s many tips.
Work hard and save for hard times. Don’t be lazy. Work and save.

The virtuous woman described
There are a few parts in Proverbs 2 (verses 12 and 16) that teach that wisdom will deliver someone from the evil man and strange woman. Those are the kind of people who spend their time wasting money and doing evil things.
The Book also says that to find a good wife (or spouse) is a good thing in the eyes of the Lord.
One vital part that I should bring to your attention is Proverbs 31. It describes a “virtuous woman”, someone who is pleasing in the eyes of the Lord and in her husband’s view.
All women who have attended some form of Bible study over the years have studied that passage.
The woman described here is the woman that supports her husband and provides for her home and family.
She is hardworking or industrious and always diligent. She is smart and wise – like a CEO.
All young men who want to rise to another level in life need such a woman, they become good teammates.
(I must be fair to say that the same attributes of that woman in Proverbs 31 will be found in the man who will provide adequately for his home and family as well. He must not be a drunkard and must not waste his time and money. He must be diligent and wise.)

This study in Proverbs teaches that if we want to get to the next level in life, we ought to be good students and acquire knowledge and gain wisdom.
We must submit to the Lord and his ways, which is the beginning of knowledge.
We must be wise like ants and save for hard times.
We must ensure that we pick our advisers and teammates (like friends and spouse) wisely.
If we do that correctly, we will grow wiser still and the future will be bright.
Whether the sky is the limit or not will be up to you.
It is time to listen to wisdom calling in the streets. Can you hear her? Go to her and learn.
Best wishes!

  • Next article: Ten top tips in applying for scholarships