Weather warning should prompt action


THE National Weather Office issued strong warnings to the maritime provinces this week about strong winds and thunder storms.
Sadly, people will still risk their lives in open dingies to seek services or travel between villages or districts despite these bad weather warnings.
The saddest aspect of the sea travels are the sea medivac and
ferrying of sick patients to health centres districts or provincial hospitals in their varying state of suffering and emergency some in life threatening or critical condition, and braving the scorching sun rain and life threatening strong winds and storms to seek medical treatments in open privately owned dingies.
Even the open “sea ambulances” provided by some provincial governments are totally unsuitable and inappropriate as they don’t provide the sick and suffering patients with all-weather roof cover and protection from all the elements.
While our MPs from the maritime provinces with these dinghies are celebrating Christmas and enjoying themselves I’d urge them to spare a thought for the plight of their sick people and medical services.
A special call to the Namatanai MP or aspiring new member – make an all-weather and appropriately kitted sea ambulance for Lak Kandas and Konoagil one of your top priorities for 2017.
Also fix all the leaking roofs on the health centres and health workers’ houses, ablution blocks and incinerators.
Get Lihir Gold Mine onboard to help fund these -they’ve milked the districts and province long enough and must now put some real life-changing tangible services and developments back for the rural people.
For the current MPs, enough of your visits with grand customary rituals and empty promises.

Likama Laskona, Via email