What’s ABG doing with recruitment?


AROUND May, the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG) engaged a private human resources company to recruit its senior staff by advertising the senior positions, including the position of the chief secretary.
The company carried out the advertisements and conducted the short listing process and submitted the list back to Buka.
It took almost eight months for the company to process the short listing.
The ABG is now delaying the finalisation of the process for some unknown reasons.
The agreement requires both technical officers consisting of senior departmental heads from both the ABG and the National Government to implement it.
The continuous delay in appointing new departmental heads by the ABG will affect the immediate implementation of the Sharp Agreement and the general operations of the ABG.
When will the ABG finalise the appointment of the new ABG senior public servants?
If the ABG is serious about implementing the Sharp Agreement, why delay the appointment of the senior public servants?
If there is a problem between the Bougainville Executive Council and the senior appointment committee, can this be sorted out amicably?
If the Bougainville Executive Council failed to master enough numbers to amend the existing law to get the committee to appoint new senior public servants, why not let the current senior appointment committee get the appointment of the senior officers done?

Mason Manu,