Why adjourn Parliament?


HAVING watched the recent parliament sitting on TV, Parliament is becoming a laughing stock.
Why? Because the Leader of Government Business (Raibo Paita) only seems to know about adjourning Parliament. Why keep adjourning Parliament after Parliament?
Does the Marape-Steven government have any concrete policy or legislation to debate on in Parliament?
Or they just come into Parliament and when there’s no business to conduct, the Leader of Government business stands up to adjourn parliament.
Is Paita capable to be given the role?
The continuous adjourning of parliament is totally insane.
On the same token, on Thursday (Oct 10) during parliament sitting, Deputy Prime Minister Davis Steven stood up and adjourn parliament. Is it his duty and responsibility to adjourn parliament?
Where is the leader of Government Business?
Then when parliament was recalled, there was no quorum because Prime Minister James Marape was conducting a meeting with his Pangu Pati members.
This government is in chaos and unorganised. Does this give an impression that this is a legitimate government?

Concern Citizen