Why charge parents, Czuba?


IT is disheartening to see the secretary of the Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology, Fr Jan Czuba charging parents, stakeholders, sponsors, and interested parties K150 each and K1500 per table at an event to explain the controversial online selection system.
Isn’t that the responsibility of the secretary to explain it in all forms to media?
The secretary should take the advantage of using the NBC talkback show to explain to parents and stakeholders who can then ask questions on air.
What I see is that the secretary is just trying to reap from poor parents who had already had a hard time sacrificing for their sons’ and daughters’ school fees and now the secretary is smart enough to ask parents to pay for the fees just to get the answer.
Please, can the High Education Minister look into the secretary’s conduct?
The system has failed some students miserably leaving parents with broken heart and yet the secretary sees it fit to charge parents and stakeholders just to explain the online system. Why not do it for free instead of charging?
DHERST created the system which has created the controversy so the secretary as part of his job description should explain it for free instead of charging fees.
Parents and stakeholders have already sacrificed to pay for their children’s school fees and now DHERST is coming up with new idea of charging parents and stakeholders to make another free money.
What a hypocritical idea.

Concern parent, POM

One thought on “Why charge parents, Czuba?

  • Sounds like, one lazy table papa is talking here, trying to go against Zcuba…..
    go back lo ples blo u….and toil the soil.

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