Women accept challenge


MORE than 100 women have accepted the Wecreate challenge, joining the business training and accelerator programme for female entrepreneurs, according to Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
They will participate in an extreme-build-a-business workshop next month and receive business advice and mentoring from a team of experts.
The Wecreate challenge offers a platform for aspiring businesswomen to build their businesses, create jobs for Papua New Guineans and become role models for young women.
The challenge is a joint initiative of the Australian and United States governments, supported through the Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development Programme.
Donor agencies, banks and women’s organisations have supported the challenge.
A total of 115 women have applied to be part of the challenge.
The most promising 25 applicants would be placed in a six-month business development programme to help get their ideas off the ground.
The Women’s Business Resource Centre – a key Wecreate partner  – provides women from all backgrounds access to information and training on financial literacy and entrepreneurship, and help with navigating Papua New Guineas business landscape.
According to the Centre for International Private Enterprise, which runs the Women’s Business Resource Centre, supporting women to become economically empowered had important flow-on effects.
Centre country coordinator Eli Webb said: “Stronger women means stronger families, which means a stronger PNG.
Women in PNG have tremendous reserves of talent and initiative. By supporting this programme, the Australian and US governments are demonstrating their commitment to PNG women and helping them to improve their lives and empower their communities.”
Australian High Commission’s Gender Counsellor Susan Ferguson said: “We know that countries with a flourishing private sector, in which women are equal participants, enjoy improved living standards.”