Work with NCDC: PM to Agarobe

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PRIME Minister James Marape has urged the Central government to work with the National Capital District Commission (NCDC) in addressing land boundary issues.
He said during the launching of the province’s plan yesterday in Port Moresby that Central was fortunate to be the province closest to domestic and international markets.
“You are sitting on important piece of real estate,” Marape said.
“Central land is far greater in value because you are close to Port Moresby.
“Don’t fight with Port Moresby.
“Work with (city authorities). Find your own space.”
Central Governor Robert Agarobe and NCD Governor Powes Parkop had recently been having a go at each other in public over the land ownership in the city and the benefits that traditional landowners should be getting.
Marape, meanwhile, committed K5 million to the province and urged Agarobe and his government to encourage the people of Central to register their land.
“I’m committing about K5 million to try out a concept that all traditional land be registered through the traditional landowners,” he said.
“Your people will be far better placed than most Papua New Guineans because you are closest to markets, tourism and agriculture.
“I ask you to encourage people who want to go into business that their land can be properly registered under their own name with proper land registration and business accounts,” he said.
“Don’t sell your land.
“Get your people to register their land and see how far they can go.
“The sky will be the limit for them.”


  • A very reasonable call to the Governor, but how long can it take officers from the Lands and Physical Planning to do simple paper work to get the Incorporated Land Group’s Application to register their land. It is simple to say ” Get your Land registered” but very frustrating to wait for months and years to get an ILG certificate.

  • A good initiative by the PM and the CP Governor should make people aware and set up a facility for the traditional land owners to go and assist them to register their land without any hurdles to cost. Support them educate them, guide them. Take action to prevent the sale of their land. Any sale of traditional land should be stopped and make it compulsory that any sale of traditional land be subject to customary land registration. This should be made law under central province to protect traditional land ownership. These lands should be first registered under a clan name unless proven otherwise. Get the Land Tittles Commission and the Lands Department involved with total control by the Central Province Government.

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