Working team and schedule


THIS is the eighth lecture on digital economy and comes in three parts, Part A – the working team, Part B – schedule or timeline and Part C – the modern PNG economy

Working team
Under this sub-unit the imperative decision to nest this concept of digital technology is addressed. We should in close proximity cover the pillars including scaffolding, structure to effect the change, the people and the implementers.

Every development and innovation is carefully planned and nurtured over the years to make a success. It is on the whole a controlled idea of a plan to effect and produce results. In a digitised structure of a signal the entirety of the message is pre-planned or carefully calibrated so it comes to your terminal or another peripheral device without errors. Coming without errors or transmitting without errors according to a communication channel theorem is a misnomer because errors at least have been attempted to be minimised. Thus it implies that a fairer amount of work has been done as far as a passband of a communication channel is concerned like communication between the pilot and the ground crew.
Scaffolding in our sense is that our decision makers have to play an active role at least to make a break through besides the conventional and rightist approach that things are going to happen. Our politicians, departmental heads and decision makers of various sorts have to see that good things and changes happen when a new idea is embraced and implemented for the good of the society or nation as a whole but not for one province only or one family only.
Let us describe a change. Changes happen when two substrates have been combined and produce a product that exhibits characters that do not resemble the parent objects that started off with. Relay this to our current approach to our economic systems and one that of a digitalized economy. It should now highlight some ideas here and then.
Furthermore, there is the innovation in three dimensional printing where a not merely a paper and ink print but a physical or biological construct can be made or formed with the use of Digital technology. For instance a dinosaur of the past can be brought to life with nurturing a scaffold of a Dinosaur DNA extract. These innovations speak a lot and enable us to rethink our approach to decision making and actions taken to start up projects. There is so much immense potential for PNG to develop if our decision makers can change their ways of approach as changes as illuminated above should display an entity that you have never seen and heard before.

Switzerland which does not grow cocoa but imports it and makes the best quality chocolate under brands like Lindt and Toblerone.

Further to this, in a computing machine, you are typing some commands and what it does is that it chooses to follow a pathway necessitated by architecture in the instructions set. Whether it unites, integrates or gets the opposite or complement of its arrays of vectors is only known to the machine in a machine language. It is essentially taken care of by functions and specific algorithms. Eventually it gives you an answer to your amusement or if you are not appreciative you could take it for granted but the idea here is that some amount of incredible work is done to yield those new information on the peripheral device.
We are in every sense saying that every leader and citizen has to think and rethink our current approach to our micro and macro activities and approaches to life and know that these all have a bearing on our economy. The approach will be to synthesise strategies that works in line with and integrates deeper thoughts to create mechanisms that will produce results that will be an amusement. These are results that we have seen or heard in other places or countries and it is now happening here.

Structure to effect change
To make the change we have to get the right resources and operators to cling and work in partnership to produce the outcomes. These outcomes will be fed to another process to produce another set of results and so on until we get what is really necessary for us as we looked at in our previous lectures. The idea is that we cannot be contented with any result that comes on the spot
Here it can be seen that there are so much mechanisms we can employ and when we are stuck and undecided to undertake a decision hence, it implies that we have created a constraint or reduced our capacity to drive the narrowed conservative pessimistic situation we are currently in. People with the capacity headed by a chief programmer and data analysts, programmers, managers, coordinators, KBOs etc. for both technical and managerial roles is needed to effect this change.
The above implies that, a Department of Digital Economy is a requirement. That does mean a change as we have elaborated above has to be programed and encapsulated for critical embedment and traversal of the depths and breaths of PNG economy and scientifically and mathematically modelled to be simulated. The result obtained will be with outright optimism because it will have the resilient capacity for further inputs, modifications for adjustments catering for the changes that can be extrapolated. That means we know what we want and that is to be a very prosperous nation.
The methodology as employed in the master programing of PNG economy is as neat and curbs any oversight that is prone in a non-computerised economy like PNG’s. The virtues of a digitalized economy has always been looked at previously since the beginning of the series of these reports and is continuing to be looked at if you are an avid or ardent reader in this section of the Digital Economy on every Friday’s the National Newspaper report by me (Michael).

In any decision the benefactors undertake the focus is the people. We have talked about the change and a link can be made here to specify the concept of change. People’s attitudes to change are a bigger component. Studying the trend of the people’s attitude and devising a mechanism like a mathematical modelling and finite state automaton and concurrent systems based computer simulations are obvious approaches that will help and place us in a better situation to foresee the aftermaths of decisions to make those actual decisions.
When we see the attitude of modern 21st century generation and envisage shortcomings then let it be so. There is in fact a problem and it can demise our fragile economy. We have to specifically note that humans are very dangerous creatures who have the capacity to create and destroy.
In a digitalised economy the people can be very effective participants who will work to better their living standard as they are.
It is a coordination initiated by a character in computing that is entered to process the analogue signal. Thus the digitized consumable data is made readily available to them as per the query. They (people) are the beneficiaries and in this situation the digital economy is as easy as ABC or 123 to support the people. When the people’s stomach is empty or if they are hungry they will start to make noise or create problems. Give them something rewarding and they will build this nation for the betterment of their livelihood and also for the future generation to come say 100 or 1,000 years and beyond from now.
Some countries do not have natural resources like PNG but have very huge ports in the world like Singapore as the second largest busiest port in the world and world’s to maritime capital since 2015. I have a faint idea of Switzerland which does not grow cocoa but somewhat imports it and makes the best quality chocolate like in the brands of Lindt and Toblerone.

The implementers of digitalised economy are all the stakeholders. The benefactors and beneficiaries are two. Benefactors would also include the rest of the global community who can be seen as our business partners. They are also the beneficiaries in an actively interactive participation in trade and commerce. Trading across borders in terms of exchange of technologies, capital, labour, ecommerce, online trading, internationalisation of shipping routes based on the flow of goods and services as a result of trade in Digital economy are some of the potential bands that have been tapped and further ideas and potentials yet to materialize and explicate.
All in all, a computer module that was a semi-computable string and function to provide for the checks and balances to correct any non-terminal that does not terminate for a sematic structure of data for the syntax. This thus, provides the rule for a formal language of a computer context-free or context-sensitive programming language grammar.
Hence, the computer module producing a computer program attempting to concatenate and iteratively deducing to the simplest truth of the encapsulated embodiment for the computer calibrations with who the implementers of the digital economy are is the idea that desegregates procedure of a systems in a totality of operation.
So the system itself is highly coordinated and not dispersed like our current economic structure and system. This highly coordinated system is the digital economy.

  • Michael Uglo teaches Avionics and Aircraft Engineering in Port Moresby.

Children are fun to be with

AS TIME went by, I realised how much my parents have invested in me.
My late mum was not well educated but she was very skillful woman who could bake very nice scones, sew, knit and make artificial flowers like the ones Irian Jaya ladies make.
She used her skills to earn a living and helped my late father to put something on the table every day for us. I came from a family of five but I had an adopted brother and sister, Loki and Theresa.
My late mum’s aim was to get all her children to be educated which at least we all did and that was the best thing that could have happened for her, I think.
As I settled in a new environment after moving around I experienced a new lifestyle full of a lot of disturbances such as loud music (noise pollution), swearing in the streets, seeing mother’s not treating their children the way they should be treated, drinking on the streets seeing men hit their wives and so on.

Children from the Steph & Adrian Pre-school during their recent fundraising event sponsored by Twisties.

My only hope is for people of this nation change their mind sets and attitudes.
The Lukautim Pikinini Act 2015 provides for child protection under the National Office of child and Family Services to prevent and respond to violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation and discrimination against all children.
Where I am now is where I see a lot of things that are not right, especially with children .The Pikinini Defenders Campaign will be a good start for the children.
I met up with a friend named Roselyn Pulo-Godara and suggested to start a pre-school. We named the pre-school Steph &Adrian Pre-school so we could gather children in our community at Kerekamukamu Village at Hohola 5 in Port Moresby and keep the children busy with something different.
“It is a good idea to keep the children busy with activities that will help prepare them for primary education. Small children aged below five are already experiencing physical violence, verbal abuse, sexual abuse, etc. We want to help our children roaming around unnecessarily,” said Pulo-Godara.
“The school caters for 25-30 children. We are using our own resources to run the school. We will open next year together with the rest of the schools. The school anticipates obtaining a licence from the department of community development next year.
“We also thank Goodman Fielder for supporting us through their Twisties brand in our first fundraising drive,” she said.
I used to be very violent towards children; I never had feelings but after attending workshops by Unicef I began understanding kids.
They are fun to be with.
Children pick up what they see. A glance at a child and you and the heart will will soften and lighten up at the innocent and beautiful smiles.

  • Philomena Saliau is a freelance writer.