Workplace safety crucial


THE Department of Labour and Industrial Relations will ensure there is a system in place to punish violence or harassment in the workplace, a minister says.
Acting Labour and Industrial Relations Minister John Rosso said this last week while welcoming the ratification of three important international labour conventions that will support amendments to the country’s labour laws.
“Every worker, regardless of race, gender and religious belief, has the right to work in an environment free from all types of violence and harassment,” Rosso said.
The Deputy Prime Minister also called on companies and departments to ensure that they had in policies and processes in place to protect vulnerable people. He also urged them to take ownership of workplace harassment and violence.
“From senior high-ranking officials facing death threats, to apprentices and volunteers subject to verbal abuse and humiliating treatment, from factory workers forced to endure sexual harassment to keep their jobs, to street vendors beings harassed by the police,” he said.
“From journalists facing intimidation for their reporting to civil society activists subject to attacks and the list goes on,” he added.
Rosso observed that the negative impact on workers’ well-being also affected businesses in terms of productivity, absences from work and increased staff turnover.
“It is incumbent on us as a nation to change and fix this stigma that faces all of us. The onus is on all of us but especially my male colleagues; there should be no room for any acts of violence and harassment in the workplace,” he said.
“I call on all citizens of our country to ensure, that in the streets, villages, urban centres and workplaces; we protect our marginalised people, especially our women and children.”
The Lae MP added that PNG had laws governing this area but the onus was on the individual to treat others fairly and with respect.
He said ignoring instances of this behaviour and not speaking up or acting to stop it was the same as condoning it.