Workshop on coffee development held


A WORKSHOP to develop an effective policy framework to strengthen sustainable coffee development for the country saw stakeholders provide perspectives on strengthening sustainable coffee development as a key climate-smart initiative.
The workshop was held in Port Moresby on Wednesday by the Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA), in support of the Regional Pacific nationally determined contributions hub.
CCDA official Debra Sungi in a statement said this was important in meeting the country’s climate action plans in the agriculture, forestry and other land-use sectors by 2030.
“The framework will ensure the coffee sector captures climate-smart priorities and align with relevant national sector plans and policies,” she said.
“PNG aims to cut emissions by 10,000 gigagrams of carbon dioxide equivalent to the deforestation and forest degradation caused by agriculture and logging under the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), compared to 2015 levels.”
She said the Government reached out to the Regional Pacific NDC Hub for technical assistance in developing the framework.
Sungi added that the workshop provided a platform for participants to share their perspective on the sector.
“As the Government, we can work to align actions across international policy processes, enhance ambition and measure results that meets our country’s mitigation targets,” she said.