Youth group pledges to help deal with law and order


A youth group in Port Moresby has pledged to work with police to address law and order issues in their community.
Mosquito Community Youths at the Morata settlement made the pledge during a meeting with the National Capital District metropolitan superintendent and his police officers on Friday.
According to representative Kevin Gibson, youths at Morata Ward 10 were not involved with rascal activities but many of them did smuggle and smoke marijuana.
“We urged the police commander to give the permission to our ward councillor to arrest so that the youths will support him if we come across anyone in possession or dealing of marijuana,” Gibson said. The youths asked the police chief superintendent to advise telephone companies to have free toll numbers that would help
fight crime in the city.
Two parents’ representatives asked the youths to move away from drugs and put their energy into sporting activities as one of the ways to overcoming drug activities.
Speaking at the meeting, NCD Chief Superintendent Perou N’dranou said:
“Clean your own backyards and work with other communities to decrease the law and order problems, especially with our youths.
“Youths must change their thinking pattern, become a peace mediator, control trouble and fighting and stop waiting for police presence,” he said.