Youth leaders revive league


YOUTH leaders in Ward 9 & 12 have revived the Bomana off-season rugby league competition for the 2017/ 2018 season.
“Currently 30 teams with 15 each in the A grade and B grade are participating in the competition” said match coordinator Norman Lee Munzeng.
“This competition was started to occupy and engage youths living in Bomana and 9 Mile to be involved in sports during this festive period to avoid illicit drugs, home brew and other illegal activities in the community.
“So far the respond is very encouraging with youths enjoying their football every weekend.
“This is with teams coming as far as fopm 14-Mile, Goldie, Laloki and Erima including 9-Mile and Bomana.
“We are into our round six running very smoothly with teams cooperating with the officials.
“Our biggest problem we are facing is that teams are slow in paying their affiliation fee of K500 since the competition was started in November.
Munzeng said that the after round 12 will be the top eight knockouts in both divisions and finals in late February.